This is a typical autumn view in London, with the sky generally overcast and the trees showing every sign of having shed leaves and going to do more of this shedding. I like such kind of photos, but when I showed this photo to a friend, he could not understand why I liked such a photo.
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A view of Westminster Abbey from the front. It is an incredibly famous building, part of the standard tour of most tourists (as can be seen from large number of people right in front of it).
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A view of the exterior architecture of Westminster Abbey; a building that served as a cathedral, as the resting point of the royal, high and mighty and the famous; and is one of the most landmark buildings in London.
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This is a photo of London Aquarium, right next to the London Eye. The London Aquarium has an impressive looking grand building, and boasts of a large culture of aquatic life.
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Such a contrast; the Cruise Ship is all gleaming white, and the jetty to which it is tied up and used for transfer of passengers is all dark and seemingly dirty. The almost sunset in the background is enough to give light to the whole environment.
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A photo of London City Hall that also shows an under-construction building right next to it. In addition, you can see a boat tied up in front of it.
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This is a slightly dull and dreary view of the Thames after sunset. There is just a hint of light coming from the dull region where the sun had set, but otherwise everything is cloaked with a dull color.
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The London Bridge is one of the landmarks on the Thames, and in this case, you can see an old looking boat carrying people on the Thames in the foreground.
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One of the most significant architecturally known buildings in London (of modern architecture) is the Gherkin building (with just the top seen here rising in the background over the other buildings); this was originally the office of the Swiss Re finance group.
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An extract of the time disc in London (located close to the Tower of London). The time disc captures significant events in the history of London along the outside edge of the timeline.
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Most views of the outside of the London Tower are taken from either the river or from directly outside. This is a view of the Tower from across the road, where there is a time disc that displays the history of London over the ages on a time scale.
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This is a photo of the London skyline at sunset, where there is an orange glow on the meeting point between the ground and the sky. This photo mostly concentrates on the sky, with just a hint of the ground and buildings.
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I have always been fond of photos that involve effects with sunlight, and especially around sunrise and sunset. So this photo is taken around sunset while on a ship on the Thames, and the powerful light of the sunset is shining bright between 2 buildings.
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Part of the attraction of being a tourist in London is that you get to see a number of buildings that are very historic and have been maintained very well. The Tower of London is one such building, that is an incredible attraction to tourists. The Tower reflects the history of London right from medieval times, including the macabre parts, since most of the executions in those times took place at the Tower.
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London Bridge of the most visually (and seemingly architecturally appealing) out of the Bridges on the Thames in London. It looks beautiful from a distance, and when framed against the blue of a clear sky, the effect seemed great to me.
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I don't know whether it is clearly visible or not, but if you look closely between the 2 buildings in this photo, there is a very strong light effect in that gap; it would almost look as if there is a fire over there.
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This is a view that is more of a close-up than the previous photograph. You get to get a better view of the entire glass structure. Designed by Norman Foster, London City Hall opened in July 2002.
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This is a photo of London City Hall (wikipedia), the headquarters of the Greater London Authority and the Mayor of London. The building has a unique shape, and is a landmark on the banks of the Thames.
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This is the floating London City pier, floating on the Thames, and moored to the side.
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These buildings are just next to the Thames in London, and the only specialty of them in this photo is that the glass face of these buildings is reflecting the shine of the sunset, and it can look beautiful.
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The reproduction of Sir Francis Drake's ship, the Golden Hinde, is berthed on the south bank of the Thames River in London, England (wikipedia). It hosts visits from schools in which children can be dressed up as Tudor sailors and receive some great history lessons about Elizabethan naval history.
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I have mentioned this before, I really like photos that show the light effects caused by sunset and sunrise. In this case, this is taken near sunset from a cruise on the Thames in London, and the color of the sunset shows up as a brilliant orb that makes the whole surrounding region light up.
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The Gherkin building is a very distinctive building in the London skyline. It was the office of the Swiss Re insurance company and is easily identifiable for its unique shape.
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I always like photos where the sun causes some effects with light patters, and so it proved in this case. This is the skyline of buildings next to the Thames, and here, the light of the sunset is causing the top edges of these buildings to take a glow.
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I have always been fascinated by the effect of the sun on glass, through clouds, on water, etc. So you can guess why this photo was taken ? The sun was in such a position that the glass of these windows on this building right next to the Thames was reflecting the light of the sun very strongly.
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This photo was taken when I was on a short cruise of the Thames, starting near one of the bridges near the Waterloo tube station. This building looked very interesting, but I have no idea of the name, so if anybody knows, please mention it in the comments.
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This is otherwise a normal set of buildings on the Thames; what interested me was the backdrop of the setting sun right behind one of the buildings. As a result, the top edge of the building seems to almost glow with the sun's rays causing an interesting light effect.
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I have come to like this photo after viewing it a few times. It shows people crossing the Millennium Bridge over the Thames in London; but it shows those people almost at the bottom of the photo, almost as an oversight. The rest of the photo deals with the blue sky and streaks of cloud.
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This is a view of the Millenium Bridge from underneath, in London. This was a controversial project, since it had to be shut down for repairs within 2 days of being opened, since it was swaying a lot; and then re-opened after some time. It is a pure pedestrian bridge.
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One advantage of going on a ship on the Thames is that you get to travel underneath most of the Bridges and can see how they look. It was a bit hard to take a photo with a normal camera because the ship was traveling at a certain speed and the bridge passed by in a blur, still I gave it my best attempt.
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These are 2 old buildings in London along the Thames, namely the building formely housing the City of London School for Boys and next to that, the Unilever building. They give a grand look.
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This is a massive building on the banks of the Thames. The important thing is that it has a nice looking cafe on the ground level of the building.
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A photo of the OXO building on the banks of the Thames in London. If you take a look at the clock tower near the top of the building, you will be able to figure out the reason for such a name.
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I really like such photos, they possess a certain beauty that appeals to me. There is a bit more light than in the previous photo, although the beautiful shimmer in the water is already there. You can see the outline of the buildings on the banks, and of the wheel of London Eye.
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The sun is just about to set in London over the Thames, and you can see the big orb of the dying sun, and the magical shimmer that has spread over the water. The light is just enough to be able to capture the ships nearby, and the wheel of London Eye.
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Given that traveling on the Thames is a necessary part of every tourist's activity, there are a number of such tourist cruise ships. This is one, and if you look closely, you can see that there are a large number of seats in the belly of the cruise ship.
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This is an Obelix known as Cleopatra's Needle on the banks of the Thames in London. There are many similar structures in other cities around the world, although they have nothing to do with Cleopatra.
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Because the Thames in London has so many cruise ships and boats on it, there are many places where passengers can either get on or off. This is an example of such a jetty projecting onto the Thames, where passengers can get on or off.
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This is a much closer view of the Hungerford Bridge over the Thames. The entire white structure that can be seen is the support and infrastructure for the pedestrian portion of the Bridge.
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I have not been able to figure out which building this actually is. Somewhere I read that this is a historic hotel, and at other times, that this is / was the Ministry of Defence building. Anybody know, please let me know.
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