Wednesday, February 27, 2013

People and their activities at a train station early in the morning

Some photos from a railway station. I had recently gone on a trip and the train had a stop at a train station (located in a semi-urban area of India). It was in the winter months, and hence there was a hint of fog, you could see people wearing winter clothes, and in winter there seems to be more sluggishness in movement (could be because of the heaver amount of clothes they wear). I took some photos of people at this time and liked how they turned out. Here are some of those photos.

Elderly sikh man paying a vendor at a railway station for some service tendered

Elderly sikh man paying a vendor at a railway station for some service tendered
This elderly sikh gentleman was walking along the platform of the station. He had not got down from a train, but seemed to be either waiting for someone, or could be that he would come to the station once in a while as a kind of walk. I could see him making a payment of money to the other person, but did not get a chance to see what the payment was for. The shawl draped over his shoulders gave him a look of dignity, although it is very easy to think of such a person as a loner, even forsaken by his family or not really cared by them. He did have a fair amount of money in his hands, so it seemed that he was fairly well off.

Lady, seemingly burdened by her load, walking off after getting down from a train

Lady, seemingly burdened by her load, walking off after getting down from a train
This was a lady who had just got down from a train that had recently come to the station. A number of people departed, but she had taken some time to get off - it could be that she was waiting for somebody to come, and that person did not turn up. She finally took her luggage in her own hands and walked off, burdened by the load (although it did not seem too heavy).

Milk vendors doing some kind of work on the utensils between the train tracks

Milk vendors doing some kind of work on the utensils between the train tracks

This photo was the most perplexing to me. What was the vendor doing ? He could not be cleaning his milk utensils since there was nothing there to suggest cleaning; there was no source of water, no soap, not even a cloth that could suggest any kind of cleaning operation. Unfortunately he was still doing this when my train departed, and hence I did not get to see him when he left.

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