Friday, January 11, 2013

Rubber dhingy next to the tourist boat near the shore of Sharm el Sheikh in the Red Sea resort of Egypt

Rubber dhingy next to the tourist boat near the shore of Sharm el Sheikh in the Red Sea resort of Egypt

Rubber floats (small boats) powered with powerful small engines can be very fast and move easily even in shallow waters. This is such a boat next to a tourist craft. The Egyptian Red Sea coastal city of Sharm el Sheikh is a very popular tourist region, both for the beaches over there, and the coral reefs (which draw people wanting to do snorkeling or do scuba diving). Most of the tourist boats in the region cater to the needs of these tourists who come to visit the various coral reefs in the region (we were taken to 3 such coral reefs, with the ability to do snorkeling at all of them). It was a lot of fun, since in most of the cases, the coral reefs were right at the water level (in fact, it was difficult to move over the coral reef and one had to go by the side of the reef). When we were there, there were a number of such ships and tourists at the coral reefs, and we just joined the others who were also having fun over there.
Sharm El Sheikh (New Millennium Collection: North Africa)
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