Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A young rhino sleeping near its mother in the Delhi zoo - Facebook post

A young rhino sleeping near its mother in the Delhi zoo - Facebook post
A young rhino sleeping near its mother in the Delhi zoo - Facebook post
A young rhino sleeping near its mother in the Delhi zoo. Rhinos can be protective of their area, but not necessarily aggressive unless they feel threatened, but they are wild animals and hence if you are near them, you need to be careful. Rhinos can be pretty big, upto a ton in weight, and are herbivores. Rhinos are also a threatened species, being hunted for their horns. Poachers try to trap rhinos, hack away their horns, and then leave them to die, causing immense harm to the viability of the species. #Rhino

See on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/374273275984387/photos/a.388297624581952/1978205202257845/?type=3&theater

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